Wednesday, May 10, 2017

MPDR Archives Blog Post #930 - May 2, 2017

pause and take three mindful breaths

image witnessed by M. Lee Freedman

“Acceptance does not mean putting up with or resigning yourself to anything. Acceptance is about embracing life, not merely tolerating it. Acceptance literally means "taking what is offered." It doesn't mean giving up or admitting defeat; it doesn't mean just gritting your teeth and bearing it. It means fully opening yourself to your present reality - acknowledging how it is, right here and now, and letting go of the struggle with life as it is in this moment.”

“If your life isn’t working-for you, the only sensible thing is to take action to change it. That action will be far more effective when you start from a place of acceptance. All the time and energy that you waste on struggling with thoughts and feelings could be far more usefully invested in taking effective action.”

-Russ Harris MD
- Excerpts from the book "The Happiness Trap" 
Wishing you moments of acceptance and choice of action throughout your day
M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

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