Wednesday, May 27, 2015

MPDR Archives Blog Post #266 - May 27, 2015

Pause for 3 Mindful Breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman
“We live in a world that exalts thinking—education systems prioritize academic learning, and most people are trained when they’re young to identify with thought. Even the English word mindfulness makes our subject sound like an activity that only happens from the neck up. Whereas actually, by training us to pay attention to sensations in the body, mindfulness brings us down from our heads and into our whole being.”
-Ed Halliwell
excerpt from 5 Reasons to Bring Mindfulness to the Body
In this post, Ed Halliwell elaborates on the following 5 reasons to be mindful of the body
1. The human body is a staggeringly wonderful thing
2. In our bodies, we can feel the sensational joys of living,
3. The body is always in the present
4. Attending to the body has a grounding effect.
5. The body experiences by feeling, so by becoming familiar with patterns of physical sensation, we can more easily work with them.

Consider turning off electronic devices and tuning into your body before going to sleep 

Wishing you a peaceful and restorative sleep

M. Lee Freedman, MD,CM, FRCP(C)

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