Pause to celebrate this present moment
By bringing full and loving attention
To your next three breaths
image by M. Lee Freedman
My wise and loving friend Ronit has generously agreed to share her prayer for 2016 with us
"He aquĆ mi prayer para el 2016"- Ronit Jinich
May this year nudge my heart open and gently stretch it to a size I never knew I could hold.
May I trust the wisdom of my heart over the knowing of my mind. To feel rather than overthink, to be rather than to do.
May loneliness and abandonment and all the emotions I most fear be welcomed in to this big space like friends who reunite after many years of being apart and party till dawn!
May I find the courage to look again as if for the first time.
May I look into the hearts of those who love me and greet them like strangers at my door. May I let them in and discover them anew.
May I allow myself to be all that I ever dreamed for myself, knowing that it is only right and that I'm worth it.
May my weakness invite my strength for a dance and may dancing reveal that they are but one and the same. They do not need to fear each other.
May I laugh until I pee. May I sleep soundly and dream of nature. May I dance in my kitchen floor, on the street, in a classroom, in the dark. May I dance when I'm hurting and not only when I'm celebrating.
May I sit and find stillness even in turmoil, and may I remember that all things pass, all things pass...
May I take each day and run with it as if it was the only one.
May I not confuse detachment with carelessness or egotism.
May I find the courage to listen and be loyal lo my soul first and foremost.
May I find the time to be with those I love the most even if they are physically far from me.
May I tend to my mistakes with compassion knowing again and again that I am only human and that I will keep making them. Hopefully not the same ones but most likely so.
May I find the courage to leave, stay, change and start anew as many times as required if that's whats needed.
May I learn how to ask for help. May I build capacity for patience and may I learn to love myself just as I am.
All this for you and for me and all the human and non-human beings we love.
image by M. Lee Freedman
With gratitude to Ronit and to all of you for supporting my mindfulness practice,
M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)
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