Friday, April 29, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #598 - Apr 29, 2016

Pause for 3 Mindful Breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"Kindness and compassion are indeed skills we develop.
Not in the sense of forcing ourselves to feel, or even worse, pretend to feel, an emotion that is not there.
Instead, if we learn to pay attention in a different, more open way-

seeing the good within ourselves instead of fixating on what we don’t like,
noticing those we usually ignore or look right through,
letting go of categories and assumptions when we relate to others

 -we are creating the conditions for kindness and compassion to flow."
-Sharon Salzberg
Wishing you a wonderful day

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #597 - Apr 28, 2016

Pause and intentionally bring attention to the next 3 breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"Compassion opens our attention and makes it more inclusive, transforming the way we view ourselves and the world.

Instead of being so caught up in the construct of self and other and
us and them that we tend to see the world through,
we see things much more in terms of connection to all.

This fundamental transformation from alienation
begins with more kindness to ourselves."

-Sharon Salzberg
(excerpt from post 
Three Simple Ways to Pay Attention)

Wishing you a mindful day filled with moments of kindness

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #596 - Apr 27, 2016

Bring curious attention 
to the flow of air into your body
and to the releasing of air into the world
for the next 3 breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"Mindfulness refines our attention so that we can connect more fully and directly with whatever life brings.
So many times our perception of what is happening is distorted by bias, habits, fears, or desires.
Mindfulness helps us see through these and be much more aware of what actually is."
-Sharon Salzberg

(excerpt from post Three Simple Ways to Pay Attention)

Wishing you moments of mindful awareness

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #595 - Apr 26, 2016

Be aware of the sensations
of breathing in and breathing out
for the following three breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"When we hear phrases commonly used to describe mindfulness, like “just be with what is,” “accept the present moment,” “don’t get lost in judgment,” it can sound pretty inert.

But the actual experience of mindfulness is of vibrant, alive, open space where creative responses to situations have room to arise,
precisely because we’re not stuck in the well-worn grooves of the same old habitual reactions.

In mindfulness, we don’t lose discernment and intelligence.
These qualities, in fact, become more acute as stale preconceptions and automatic, rigid responses no longer rule the day."

-Sharon Salzberg
(excerpt from post 
Three Simple Ways to Pay Attention)
Wishing you moments of mindfulness today

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Monday, April 25, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #594 - Apr 25, 2016

Pause and intentionally bring attention to the next 3 breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"These trees are magnificent, but even more magnificent is the sublime and moving space between them, as though with their growth it too increased.”
-Rainer Maria Rilke

Have a mindful day

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #593 - Apr 24, 2016

Be here now
Bring your attention
to the sensations of breathing
for the following 3 breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice;
it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets,"
The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole,
for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration -
it is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done."
-Tim Kreider
Excerpt from post
 “The Busy Trap”

Wishing you some moments of nourishing "down time"  this evening

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

MPDR Archives Blog Post #592 - Apr 23, 2016

Bring your attention into this moment
By noticing the next 3 breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

Baby smiles in delight at seeing his mother for the first time
If you have 1 minute, consider clicking on the image above to watch a beautiful moment of mindful seeing.
“Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time.
Then your time on earth will be filled with glory."
-Betty Smith

Warm wishes for a mindful day

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Friday, April 22, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #591 - Apr 22, 2016

Take a moment to step out of the auto pilot “doing mode”

into simply being here and now

by bringing awareness to the sensations

of the next three breaths.

image by M. Lee Freedman

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened.
All the world is full of suffering.
It is also full of overcoming.”
– Helen Keller

Wishing you strength, wisdom and compassion for yourself and others whenever you encounter suffering 

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

MPDR Archives Blog Post #590 - Apr 21, 2016

PAUSE for three mindful breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything."
 -William Shakespeare
Wishing you many peaceful moments today

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #589 - Apr 20, 2016

image by M. Lee Freedman


“Mindfulness practice increases compassion over time.
 It does this by developing the capacity to be kind to ourselves,
accepting ourselves for who we are
and not what we imagine we ‘should’ be; 
therefore allowing us to accept others as they are,
and not as we imagine they ‘should’ be.
 In this practice, we begin to understand the necessity of community and inclusivity.
We experience the value of service to others and the joy these actions bring.
The practice of mindfulness is best done with others.
It reminds us of our interdependence and what it is to be human.
When we are kind to others we also help ourselves.”
-Dr. Patricia Rockman
Excerpt from post Ending Mental Health Stigma Through Mindfulness

Wishing you moments of peace and joy
on this lovely spring day

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

MPDR Archives Blog Post #588 - Apr 19, 2016

Bring kind attention into this moment
By noticing the next 3 breaths

image by M. Lee Freedman

"Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle."

— Charles Glassman

Wishing you many moments of kindness
as you progress through your day today

M. Lee Freedman, MD, CM, FRCP(C)

To view the MPDR archives, click here.