Saturday, January 31, 2015

MPDR Archives Blog Post #139 - December 16, 2014

Pause and intentionally bring attention to the next 3 breaths
image by M. Lee Freedman
In the December 14 episode of 60 Minutes, correspondent Anderson Cooper reported on “what it's like to try to achieve "mindfulness," a self-awareness scientists say is very healthy, but rarely achieved in today's world of digital distractions.”
The following is an excerpt from the script of "Mindfulness" 
“Our lives are filled with distractions -- email, Twitter, texting we're constantly connected to technology, rarely alone with just our thoughts. Which is probably why there's a growing movement in America to train people to get around the stresses of daily life.”
 It's a practice called "mindfulness" and it basically means being aware of your thoughts, physical sensations, and surroundings.”
Tonight, we'll introduce you to the man who's largely responsible for mindfulness gaining traction. His name is Jon Kabat-Zinn and he thinks mindfulness is the answer for people who are so overwhelmed by life, they feel they aren't really living at all.”-Anderson Cooper 
To view the 13 minute segment “Mindfulness” from this week’s 60 Minutes, follow this link:

Wishing you a mindful day,
M. Lee Freedman, MD,CM, FRCP(C)

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