PAUSE for 3 mindful breaths
image by M. Lee Freedman
Why Mindful Breathing Works
“Pause briefly and repeatedly throughout the day. Just shifting your attention from whatever is going on to the act of taking a single purposeful breath can make a meaningful contribution to managing stress.”
Excerpted from: Why Mindful Breathing Works, by Deborah Schoeberlein.
The full article explains what happens to the brain and nervous system under chronic stress in order to clarify why pausing and connecting with the breath can be a practical strategy to manage stress. Understanding the scientific rationale for why regular pauses with intentional focus on breathing can be an anti-dote to the physiological effects of chronic stress may provide you with further incentive to practice mindful pausing regularly throughout the day. It is a fairly short post. Here is the link
Wishing you mindful moments today
M. Lee Freedman MD, CM, FRCP(C)
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