Saturday, January 31, 2015

MPDR Archives Blog Post #174 - January 20, 2015

Bring curious attention
to the sensations of the breath
flowing in and out of your body
for the next 3 breaths
 image by M. Lee Freedman 
 "Developing mindfulness in everyday life takes effort. Many related practices (meditation, yoga, some martial arts, time spent away from media and technology, time spent in the natural world) will help to cultivate mindfulness. But the mind needs the focus and consistency of a regular practice if it is to undo old neural patterns and learn new ones.
For many, the workplace is one of the most stressful places in their lives. Pressures are constant. Differences, even non-conflictual ones, among people requires lots of neural energy to manage.  Most people in this culture work too many hours, often without any breaks.  Many workers operate in a low – level flight or fight mode. Out of touch with feelings and the thinking patterns that reinforce stress and anxiety, many people constantly “re-trigger” those negative habits throughout the day. Mindfulness practice offers the possibilities of mental and emotional rest, despite the events that surface in the average workday.  - Louise Altman

(Excerpt from 10 Ways to Bring Mindfulness to Your Work Day)

Here is the link, if you are interested in reading the full post, including ten practical strategies

Wishing you moments
 to pause and consciously respond
to the experiences of the day

M. Lee Freedman MD, CM, FRCP(C)

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