Saturday, January 31, 2015

MPDR Archives Blog Post #46 - September 10, 2014

Bring your attention to the sensations of breathing in your body where it is most clear to you for the next three breaths
The following quote is an excerpt from a post called 5 Practices for Mindful Communication written by Louise Altman
“Communicating with others can offer one of the greatest opportunities to practice mindfulness.  Our daily communication with family, friends and work colleagues is filled with abundant possibilities to stay present to how we feel and act – moment to moment.  Practicing mindful communication necessitates that we slow down and allow ourselves to really look at the choices we make with others.” - Louise Altman
If you have the time, and the interest in reading the full post, here is the link:

Have a mindful day

Welcome to new recipients of Mindfulness Practice Daily Reminders 
As many of us have experienced, mindfulness is pretty simple, but not so easy and remembering to practice mindful awareness can be quite challenging. These daily reminders are intended to help us remember our intention to practice present moment awareness through formal and informal mindfulness practice.
Opening a reminder email represents a decision to pause, step out of automatic pilot doing mode" and into “ being mode" by intentionally bringing attention to the sensations of three breaths. Then proceed with your day.You may choose to treat this as an experiment by noticing if and how this brief pause impacts on the next moments of your day.
The second part of the reminder email consists of a quote, poem, image, link to article and/or link to short video relevant to the practice of mindfulness. I suggest you consciously choose whether you have the time and/or the interest in reading/watching anything further, rather than automatically clicking on the link.  In this way you are practicing bringing mindful awareness practice into conscious decision making and action.
Please let me know if you would like to remove your name from the email list at any time.
M. Lee Freedman, MD,CM FRCP(C)

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